Irbin app image

Artificial intelligence
for environmental conservation


In an increasingly intense consumer society, sometimes extra motivation is necessary to focus on what's important, such as caring for the environment through basic actions like recycling materials. With Irbin's help, we make this activity fun and rewarding to create good habits.

Company: Cirsys tech - (Perú)
Business type: Mobile application for interacting with recycling containers using artificial intelligence.
Project type: Design of the interaction flows and mobile application interface used to interact with IBbin. 4 weeks (2022)
Role: UX UI Designer - Research

My design process

To order my process,
I used the design thinking framework.

design thinking image


Who is the user?

The empathy stage was carried out through the user information provided by the company, but it was reinforced through interviews to gain in-depth knowledge of habits and behaviors. Based on the information obtained, an empathy map was created, and then the user persona was created too and guided my design process.

Male user photo

Name: Christian
Age: 32
Lives in: Miraflores - Perú
Family: Wife and dogs
Profession: Project manager

Christian has been working as a project manager for just over a year. Some days he goes to the office, others he works from home where he lives with his partner and their 3 dogs. He started to have good recycling and waste reduction habits at home about 5 years ago, and did so progressively. There are weeks when he has a lot of work and can't sort his waste and throws everything in the same place, which demotivates him. He would like to have a greater influence on his environment so that there is more commitment to these actions. He has a future project of buying solar panels for his home and starting to use renewable energy.

"We need to create a system and environment designed for hassle-free recycling. More information and motivation is needed to take care of our world, it's the only one we have!"

What is his pain?

The pace of life can sometimes be a hindrance to taking the time to sort waste. Sometimes he feels like he needs extra motivation to carry out recycling activities.


Ok. What do I believe after I know who the user is?

Design Hypothesis

The use of the mobile app to interact with Irbin (the waste container) will increase the volume of waste received by 30% during the first 2 months and will create new, more environmentally-friendly habits.


Christian is a responsible person with the environment but sometimes feels demotivated to continue with his recycling tasks. Christian needs extra motivation as he builds positive habits because he feels it's a commitment that we all must take on.

MVP: Statement

A mobile app that allows interaction with Irbin (the AI-powered container) will display the points that will be accumulated with the deposited waste. The points can be redeemed for rewards from the catalog which will also be in the app. The app will allow for different user levels based on the points collected.


Organizing the ideas: Information Architecture


Main actions: User Flows


login userflow


search user flow


redeem user flow

Ecological footprint and invite

invite userflow


Wireframes : Sketching the solution

The video shows a brief tour of the initial wireframes that were iterated by users and the client to adjust the user experience and business needs.


Moodboard: Adding personality to the screens

Three alternative style concepts were presented to the client, one featuring minimalist illustrations, another showcasing realistic photography, and a third with a more futuristic aesthetic. The proposal featuring simple, linear illustrations was ultimately selected.

Chosen option

moodboard chosen


Based on the main screens, the components and their style were created, including colors, illustrations, and the recreation of the IRbin brand image that will be present across the different states of the app's system.

Ui styleguideUi styleguide
Ui styleguideUi styleguide

Take a look at some of the key interactions

Click here
to check the prototype
hand holding a phone


How does the solution work for users?

After completing the prototype, a test was conducted with 3 users to verify that the flows were understood. The tasks of "View points," "Redeem," and "View ecological footprint" were the ones tested, and there were no issues in completing them, with only minor text adjustments made to improve comprehension levels for the user levels identified.

What makes me proud?

As someone who values environmental and social impact, I was excited to explore this area with a playful proposal that incorporates gaming concepts to engage people and create new habits. The client liked the project and it'll be developed starting in March 2023.

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